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The New New New Rules for a Newer Hollywood

(As you may have seen on Twitter, I’ve been busy prepping something big: Still deep in the bunker. Brand new fortifications going up. We're talking LOTS of charts here. Maybe multiple data sources. Multiple looks. Honestly, this is gonna be a report McKinsey would charge $250K for, and you'll get

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My First Renewals and Cancellations Report Card

On a whim, last October, I started collecting news stories about which TV shows were getting renewed or cancelled, though I wasn’t quite sure what I’d do with the links. Mostly, I wanted to know if the TV shows I cover each week in the Streaming Ratings Report had already

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Foreign Failures Part V

So, last week, the Streaming Ratings Report ran a bit long and, since I don’t want to go too long, I cut out this section, on foreign films, especially since it feels less like a streaming ratings article and more like a strategy column. (For my free subscribers, this means

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Who Won The War for Christmas?

(Update: Nielsen’s data only came out today, because they dropped their fascinating “Nielsen Streaming Unwrapped 2022” report yesterday. I can’t wait to dive into that data. Luckily, I promised you a deep dive in Christmas films last week, so that’s what you’re getting today. On Monday, you’ll get this week’s Streaming Ratings

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