The Most Important Story of the Week

Weekly looks at the biggest news in entertainment.

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Who Measures the Measurers?

For some stories, the entertainment trades just don’t do a great job providing the type of information and analysis I need to do my job. Other times, they crush it. I’m glad to say that, for the most important story this week, I think the trades crushed it.  So let’s

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Will 2022’s Box Office Break $8 Billion?

The big news of the last week—besides you know all the stuff below—is that I’m putting up a paywall for my content. It hasn’t started yet, but it will on 16-June. In particular, my “Streaming Ratings Report” will mostly live behind this paywall. What about my other content? My regular

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Big Tech Continues Their Forays into Sports

We’ve got a lot of interesting/important news stories to get to, but before we get to that, I want to give everyone a head’s up that I have a big, big, big announcement coming from me later this week. So stay tuned. Before the stories, a celebration. EntertainmentStrategyGuy Turns Four!

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Netflix Bears on Parade

Two weeks ago, I had an almost written “most important” story of the week column that I couldn’t quite get out the publishing door. And let me tell you: none of those stories compared to last week’s news stories in terms of impact. Which happens in entertainment news. Some weeks,

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What Does the Merger of the Month Mean for Amazon?

Hmm. So it has been a minute since our last “Most Important” story column. Fine, it’s been a month. (That’s like tens of thousands minutes.) As I mentioned in my Streaming Ratings Report this week, it’s not like there hasn’t been news stories, but nothing blew my socks off. Nothing

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The Question I Want to Answer in 2022

Ignore the calendar for a moment, will you? You’re about to read my annual, “The Most Important Question of 2022”. And it’s March. What took so long? I said ignore the calendar! Better late than never. The idea for a “question of the year” struck me two years ago, going

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Putting the “Bro” Back in Warner Bros

Yay. Mergers. My favorite topic.  Not. Yeah, I just dropped a “not”. (What is this 1998?) Still, despite my dislike of this topic, even I can’t ignore the big news of the last few weeks. The Most Important Story of the Week – Discovery/AT&T Merger Will Go Through The story of

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A Bad Few Weeks for The Disruption Narratives

It’s been a minute since I’ve written a pure strategy column. Between adding new databases for my streaming ratings report, writing columns for the Ankler, and preparing some other stuff, I’ve been busy. And my weekly call out of the most important story in entertainment fell by the wayside. Frankly,

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