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Introducing the Entertainment Strategy Guy Newsletter

Wait, do you REALLY need another newsletter. Probably not. Peak newsletter baby! Let me defend why you should add just one more email to your already considerable deluge. Then I’ll give you the details. In My Defense – Why You Need Another Newsletter Here’s my guess as to how 95% of

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Where Should the NCAA Look for Growth?

When Athletic Director U asked me, “What do you think of college baseball?” I’ll be honest, I didn’t have an angle. Sure, it could grow, but how much? And compared to what? Then, I read an article about eSports. Apparently the NCAA–technically a consultancy hired by the NCAA–was exploring whether

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How HBO Made Billions on Game of Thrones

(This is another entry in a multi-part series answering the question, “Who will win the battle to make the next Game of Thrones?” Read the previous articles here.)   I’ve been in a bunker these last couple of weeks and that bunker was an Excel bunker with internet access where

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Why Did Hulu Lower Their Price to $5.99?

Last week, I was thrilled to announce that I had a guest article at TVRev, and I’ve followed it up with an article over at Decider. The folks over at Decider asked me about the Hulu price decrease a few weeks back—which as I mention, was really a promotional price

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About Me…My biography

I’m a huge believer in “data”. I’ve noticed, though, that sometimes this bias towards data is interpreted as a sole focus on data in databases. Or it’s interpreted as a bias against case studies, or, more specifically, anecdotes. Here’s the thing: anecdotes are both powerful and awful at the same

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