March 2023

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The New New New Rules for a Newer Hollywood

(As you may have seen on Twitter, I’ve been busy prepping something big: Still deep in the bunker. Brand new fortifications going up. We're talking LOTS of charts here. Maybe multiple data sources. Multiple looks. Honestly, this is gonna be a report McKinsey would charge $250K for, and you'll get

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12 Charts For Nielsen’s “Tops of 2022” Lists

At the end of January, Nielsen rolled out their annual “state of streaming” report, which consisted of three top fifteen lists for Originals, Acquired and Films, respectively, calculating ALL viewing across streaming for ALL of 2022. Not just the weekly numbers we see, but the top performing shows and films

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My First Renewals and Cancellations Report Card

On a whim, last October, I started collecting news stories about which TV shows were getting renewed or cancelled, though I wasn’t quite sure what I’d do with the links. Mostly, I wanted to know if the TV shows I cover each week in the Streaming Ratings Report had already

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