May 2019

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Is Broadcast TV Dead?

I really wanted to figure out a way to make FX turning 25 my biggest story of the week. Fox launched a cable channel that helped define the prestige TV era as much as any other twenty-five years ago tomorrow. (Decider had a good roll up of the top 25

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How HBO Made Billions on Game of Thrones

(This is another entry in a multi-part series answering the question, “Who will win the battle to make the next Game of Thrones?” Read the previous articles here.)   I’ve been in a bunker these last couple of weeks and that bunker was an Excel bunker with internet access where

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M&A in Media and Entertainment Stayed Flat in 2018

Let’s get this update out on a Friday like it is intended. Most Important Story of the Week – Mergers and Acquisitions in 2018 Update (Finally!) For some reason, PwC never released their 2018 update for Media and Telecommunications merger & acquisitions update. Or if they did, I never saw

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Sinclair Buys Disney RSNs

Since I took off two Fridays ago, I had a lot of content to sift through for this week’s update. If you have to know, I took off to see Avengers: Endgame (loved it), then, my wife and I threw a baby shower (she threw it; I cleaned), and then

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