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Streaming Ratings Report

A Streaming Royale Rumble: Who Won Cruella, He’s All That or Vacation Friends?

Folks, last week I promised you a show down of straight-to-streaming films, and by golly, we got it. Given the datecdotes, Nielsen ratings and creative auspices of the films involved, the battle lived up to the hype. (Reminder: The streaming ratings report compiles data from Nielsen’s weekly top ten viewership ranks, Netflix datecdotes, Top Ten lists, Google Trends and IMDb to determine the most popular content. While most data points

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Streaming Ratings Report

Can Disney’s Weekly Releases Keep Up With Netflix’s Binges?

Let me level with you: if Netflix took over the entire rankings list for another week—like they did the last two weeks—I probably would have quit. That level of dominance ceases to be impressive and just starts to be boring. (Fine, I wouldn’t have actually quit. But I would have complained.) It reminds me of why I like the NFL. Sure, the NFL has its dynasties—the Patriots and Chiefs come

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Deep Dives

Thoughts on Comparing Manifest to You, Serialized Content and the The Craziest Theory Yet about Manifest

Inspired by DVDs of old, whenever I dig into a particularly juicy topic—especially for another outlet—I write up a director’s commentary article for my own website.  (Speaking of which, how does Disney+ not have director’s commentary versions of every MCU film? You’re telling me a cut of Avengers: Endgame with Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth doesn’t do crazy numbers? Or Kevin Feige with the Russo Brothers? Seriously

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Streaming Ratings Report

Is All American The New Manifest? No, But That’s a Great Headline

College football returns this week. Will it impact streaming ratings? Probably not. If anything, it’s the reverse: football comes back and broadcast ratings go up! But it got me thinking. Because college football is boring now. The seemingly same four schools go to the College Football Playoffs every year. Boring! (But is it good ratings? ESPN certainly seems to think a few juggernauts drive ratings. Maybe this is a “me”

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Deep Dives

Is Disney Finally Bigger than Netflix in the US? Yes…

– Disney and Netflix are in the “top tier” of US streaming subscribers, with 69.1 million and 66.8 million respectively. Disney just passed Netflix for top streaming subscriber in the US. – HBO, Prime Video, and Showtime/Paramount+ make up the next tier of streamers.    The latest issue of the Economist features a topic near and dear to my heart, intelligence. Specifically, “open source” intelligence, meaning publicly available data. The

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Streaming Ratings Report

Streaming Just Manifested Its Best Week in 2021

– For the first time in 2021, weekly top ten viewership surpassed the same week’s viewership in 2020. – Manifest, the recently cancelled NBC series produced by Warner Bros., is a hit for Netflix and has the third biggest single week of viewership since 2021 started. But it does benefit from having a lot of episodes to binge. – Luca had the third biggest opening weekend of 2021.   You may have

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Streaming Ratings Report

Free Is More Popular Than Not Free…and Other Lessons We’re Relearning in the Streaming Wars

Sometimes, in a midst of lots of disruption, we—the proverbial we being “society”, “business analysts” or just people on Twitter—forget that as much as things change, they mostly stay the same. That’s the lesson for today. Two lessons actually. While streaming ratings use new terminology, the business principles underlying them haven’t really changed that much. (Reminder: The streaming ratings report compiles data from Nielsen’s weekly top ten viewership ranks, Netflix

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Streaming Ratings Report

How Big is Hulu’s Biggest Hit?

One of the craziest parts of the streaming wars is actually how forward-thinking the traditional media companies were. Way back in 2007, they teamed up and created a joint venture that became Hulu, a streamer featuring TV episodes the day after they aired on broadcast. (But only, inexplicably, five episodes at a time, possibly the worst strategic decision of the 21st century.) Yet, with that head start, Hulu has languished

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Streaming Ratings Report

Is Prime Video Having Its Best Stretch of Content In the “Ratings Era”?

This week, Them, from Prime Video made it up to second place on the “Originals” top ten list from Nielsen. Which left me wondering: Is Amazon’s Prime Video having their best stretch ever? Let’s find out. That plus Thunder Force’s “good” debut, The Handmaid’s Tale having an (allegedly) strong debut, and speculation about Invincible’s future in today’s “Streaming Ratings Report”. (Reminder: The streaming ratings report compiles data from Nielsen’s weekly

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Streaming Ratings Report

What to Make of Streaming’s Viewership Decline?

Last week was my most viewed streaming ratings report to date. I guess that’s what happens when you write about WandaVision! (And as a result get featured in WordPress’ reader application.)  The theme of the week is “slow”. We didn’t have a lot of buzzy new titles, and as a result, total viewership of the top 30 titles is the lowest since we started tracking. But this is the eye

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