Welcome to the Entertainment Strategy Guy 2.0

Chatting with Kasey Moore of Whats-on-Netflix a few weeks back, I mentioned that I was thinking about redesigning the Entertainment Strategy Guy website. In my humble opinion, websites should update their look about every three years or so, so I’d been noodling on what it could look like. Kasey mentioned that he could remake the website pretty easily. And he had some ideas.

Well, here we are. We have a brand new website….

…and it looks fantastic. 

Again, I can’t thank Kasey enough for his phenomenal work.

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s new, what I’ve fixed, and the future of this little site.

New Features

Filter By Tags

Before the relaunch, after writing an article, I “tagged” it haphazardly. Now, I’ve gone through and updated every tag on the website. Readers can now filter by topic, including streamers, business topics, and more. (We’re still adding and refining tags, so if you have suggestions, the inbox is open!)

New to EntStrategyGuy Introduction Articles

Now that I’ve published nearly 350 articles, someone new to the website may be a pinch lost. There’s a lot of content to churn through. For the next few months, I’ll write a “summary” article highlighting some of my best articles on a given theme.

To start, here are the first five “Guides to the Entertainment Strategy Guy’s Writing”:

– The 19 Best Articles I’ve Written

– The “Business” Of Entertainment…Explained

– Nerd Corner – Explaining Entertainment Using Your Favorite Franchises

– Introducing An Intelligence Preparation Of The “Streaming Wars” Battlefield

– How Much Money Will Disney Make (Or Lose) On The Lucasfilm Deal? Part I


Folks love a good summary in front of an article. A “Bottom Line, Up Front” in Army parlance. We’re working to add these to every article and will include them going forward.

Dark Mode

These are the new “hotness” in website design and we’ve added one, if that’s your preferred viewing method.


When you make a website, you won’t get it all perfect. And I know folks found some parts of the previous website hard to use. We’ve worked to improve the most glaring problems.

To start, the blue background—blue being my favorite color—is out, in favor of traditional white and black. (But the blue accents survive!) We’ve also updated the formatting on the articles to be easier to read all around. We’ve fixed links so they’ll be underlined in the articles. (And you’ll know what I’m linking to.) We also added “sub-headers” to make the article titles more user (and SEO) friendly. Finally, instead of a “blog style” lay out, we’ve put article stubs that should make navigating the front page easier.

The Future

With the new redesign, our ability to update the website—and not be tied to one template—has been greatly expanded. We’re going to experiment with different looks, features, infographics and other looks. I have a lot more flexibility with design. So lots more to come!

And I may as well note: in the age of subscriptions, a paywall will be coming to the Entertainment Strategy Guy in some form in the future. 

I’m evaluating different options and plans, so curious to hear from readers what you would and would not pay for.

Picture of The Entertainment Strategy Guy

The Entertainment Strategy Guy

Former strategy and business development guy at a major streaming company. But I like writing more than sending email, so I launched this website to share what I know.


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